Another Day in the Life of a Nut

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Join us at on:

Sunday, June 25th at 8 pm Eastern USA time for General Chat

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The password for this chat is: writerschat

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Wikipedia defines Purple Prose as:

A term of literary criticism, purple prose is used to describe passages, or sometimes entire literary works, written in prose so overly extravagant, ornate or flowery as to break the flow and draw attention to itself. Purple prose is sensuously evocative beyond the requirements of its context. It also refers to writing that employs certain rhetorical effects such as exaggerated sentiment or pathos in an attempt to manipulate a reader's response. ( )

Join us Sunday and shamelessly take advantage of this fertile ground for hilarity. Let's laugh ourselves silly, as we learn how to avoid using Purple Prose in our daily writing.

Whoopee Cushions and Silly String provided; bring your own Chocolate and Coffee.
This chat will be moderated by Renee' Barnes of:

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chat Announcement

The Writer's Chatroom

Look what you've been missing!

The weekly chats at The Writer's Chatroom are wonderful! Each night I attend a chat, I learn something new. The support and encouragement during the "general chats" keeps me motivated and excited about writing. The weekly "guest" chats are informative, educational and fun! I leave each chat saying "I can do it, I know I can.
Patty Hopkins

Newsletter Archive

No guest this week, however ...

Join us Wednesday night for a Coffee Shop chat. Drop in, talk about whatever comes up. It's time to get to know each other. Want to read bits of your work? Okay. Want to discuss characters who keep you up at night? That works too. Audrey will be churning out pot after pot of coffee. Come on over and let us get to know you.

Please feel free to pass this announcement on to anyone or any groups that you think may be interested. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Eastern USA Time……………………..10 PM

Not sure what time that is wherever in the world you are?

The Writers Chatroom at:
Click on "Enter Chatroom" and choose a log-in name for yourself. Wednesday's case-sensitive password is:

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Please note: The chatroom is only open for regularly scheduled chats.

Wednesday evening chats are usually guest chats or theme chats. Our guests are published writers or experts in a field pertaining to writing. Theme chats cover topics pertaining to writing, marketing, networking, getting published and getting paid to write.
Please check the Chatroom Schedule for information on upcoming guests and writing-related chat topics.

If you'd like to rent the chatroom, suggest a guest, topics for a theme chat, offer yourself as a chat guest, or give feedback about a chat you've attended, contact Audrey Shaffer at:

Visit our Previous Guests page to catch up on what you've missed.

On the Products page you will find some great recommendations. Please use our links to buy, and help support the chatroom!

Our mission is to:
Support and encourage writers at all levels of their careers.
Help our fellow writers achieve the level of success that is important to them.
Educate writers on the business of writing.
We look forward to chatting with you!

Audrey Shaffer Linda Hutchinson Renee Barnes
Glenn Walker, Founder

Monday, June 19, 2006

Patrick Ryan Author Interview

Last night we had the pleasure of having literary author Patrick Ryan, author of Send Me and a host of short stories, as our guest at The Writer’s Chatroom.

Patrick’s responses to questions from member chatters were filled with wit and charm, but also with a no-holds-barred attitude regaling what it takes to make it as a writer.

Question: Your work is considered "literary". What makes it so?

Patrick Ryan: Wow. Good question. For me as a reader, that means utterly convincing characters, not over-relying on coincidence, and creating believable dynamics between
those characters. Also, creating characters you, as a writer, have compassion for, even when they're unlikable.

Question: I've been putting together some short stories, but I'm having trouble with where to market them.

Patrick Ryan: Go through (Writer’s Market) to see how many stories a journal/magazine accepts a year. If it says, say, four stories, forget it. And if it says NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS, forget it. That's my advice, anyway. It's unrealistic of journals
to expect a writer to wait six months (or longer) for a yes or no.

Then -- and this is crucial -- carpet bomb the market. Send your story to every place that
seems an option. As much as you can afford to.

And don't think twice when a rejection letter comes. I have boxes of them. But pay attention
to any hand-written note like "Good to see!" or "Please keep us in mind."
If you think your story would appeal to any reader, you should send it wherever the market says "literary fiction." The hard fact is that you'll need to submit a story to lots of places that would never publish such a thing before you get lucky with the timing and the right editor. I've published around fourteen stories, and almost all of them were rejected anywhere from five to twenty times before someone said yes.

Question: Patrick, your bio said you received a Fellowship. Exactly what does that mean? How does it work?

Patrick Ryan: You have to have published, I think, three stories over the past three years, or something like that, to apply. Then it's a fairly simple process. I applied in March and they didn't announce until December. I thought of it as a lottery ticket.

You have to be in it to win it, as they say. The NEA, because of funding cut-backs, does poetry
every other year, prose every other year.

It's worth applying for. It's money, which equals time to write, of course. And yes, it was
QUITE a thrill. It gave me some very necessary peace of mind.

Question: Patrick what is your writing schedule like?

Patrick Ryan: I write for about four or five hours a day, five days a week, usually.
Then there's added time revising. I do lots and lots of revision. I read everything out loud at
every step of the process, to hear the rhythm and the cadence and the dialogue.

Discipline is everything. If I'm not on top of it all the time, I lose it. Meaning, I lose
the project (the story or the novel).

Question: You don’t have television, cable, or other distractions most of us take for granted. Does this help you get more writing done—or have you found other, more interesting, distractions living in the Big Apple?

Patrick Ryan: The Big Apple is a wonderful, insane place. But I move in small circles, so to speak. I have a routine, and I have my distractions, but they're pretty regular.

My apartment is ANYTHING but sound proof! But I work, now, at this place called the Writers
Room, where I rent a cubicle and no one is allowed to speak. It's the most wonderful and creepy place on earth.

One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give: don't write on the machine that let's you onto
the internet and your email. Just don't do it! It's bad, bad, bad. And don't answer your phone when you're working. End of sermon (maybe).

Question: Do you make your living writing, Patrick?

Patrick Ryan: I do, now, make my living writing. That's new as of about two years ago. I've been writing steadily and working various jobs since 1990, when I graduated from an MFA
program. I wrote seven novels I revised and submitted and couldn't get published. I also got about halfway through seven or eight more. I just kept going.

Out of the blue, I got an agent for SEND ME, and it sold, and my life changed. Now I make my
living off my writing.

Question: Could you tell us what Send Me is about?

Patrick Ryan: Basically, it's about a family and what happens to it over forty years. More specifically, it's about a mother abandoned by two husbands, left with four children, and the fallout (and, occasionally, recovery) that results.

It's told out of chronological sequence, from six different points of view, both in the third-
and first-person. I wanted it to be as holistic a portrait as possible.

Question: Please tell us a little more about writing for One Story.

Patrick Ryan: That was a fantastic experience. Everyone should submit there. The editor, Hannah Tinti (a wonderful writer -- check out her story collection, ANIMAL CRACKERS)
was so influential in shaping that story/chapter, "So Much for Artemis."

She told me she thought the ending was off-topic. She told me two of the main characters who
are set in opposition to each other never confront each other.

Because of her feedback, I completely rewrote the last ten pages. Totally new material.
That ended up being the story that got me the NEA grant and will be in Best American Short
Stories, so I'm very indebted to her. She's brilliant.

Question: Where did you get your first publication?

Patrick Ryan: I'd been submitting both stories and the first novel I wrote for years, and then, just out of grad school, I had a story taken by a tiny little newsprint journal called THE GASLIGHT REVIEW. I was so excited. It had a circulation of about 100, I think.

But it helped my ego. I published about a story a year for ten years. That sounds minor, I
know, but it kept me going.

Question: Patrick, do you see yourself writing non-literary works in the future? Mainstream, perhaps?

Patrick Ryan: Interesting that you asked that. Here's an aside that may be worth hearing...
When I was waiting for my edits for SEND ME, I got an idea for a young adult novel. I called my agent and said, "Would you represent a YA, if I wrote it?" She said, "Sure!" So I wrote it. Geared toward a 16-year-old audience.

She sold it to HarperCollins. It will be out in a year. And it brought in enough money to
allow me to quit my day job and be comfortable writing full-time.

Question: Do you go on book signing tours?

Patrick Ryan: I didn't do a tour for SEND ME. It was my first book, and my publisher -- The Dial Press, an imprint of RandomHouse -- puts their money into advertising rather
than tours. It's a philosophy I concur with.

In response to marketing questions from the room:
Patrick_Ryan: talent + hard work + luck +
timing + PERSITENCE and FAITH = a published book.

Visit our Previous Guests page to catch up on what you've missed. And on the Products page you will find some great recommendations. Please use our links to buy, and help support the chatroom! (You may purchase ANY book at by using our link at TWC site.)